Dealing with Disappointment & Rejection

I posted a video on my facebook page about how I deal with disappointment and rejection and got so many comments that I thought I would share some of my thoughts here as well.

You don’t need to be an artist to have experienced rejection; you just need to be a human being! Most people have experienced some sort of rejection in their lives. Even Jesus was “despised and rejected by men.” If you haven’t already, you will experience rejection and trials at some point in your life. However, Jesus shared the good news when He said:

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

So here's my top 3 tips, taken from my book "Creative Identity - Carving Your Angel in The Rock".

Rejection can . . .

  1. Cause you to try and be somebody you are not in the hope that people will like you.

  2. Stop you from revealing your true authentic self. It can cause you to wear a mask, thinking people could never like the real person inside.

  3. Stop you creating altogether for fear of failing and being rejected.

  4. Make you think everyone is better than you—a poor self-image.

  5. Create self-talk of unworthiness.

  6. Make you compare yourself to others; make you feel you are never good enough.

  7. Stops you creating at your full potential.

This is difficult and can be frustrating as an artist or worshipper of any kind. However, although we cannot change people’s perceptions towards us, we do have control over how we respond to it. Strength within lies in knowing the difference.

Some good questions to ask yourself when faced with this situation are:

  1. Did I try my best? If I did, then I’m okay!

  2. What does God think about it?

  3. What can I learn from this? How can I improve?

Use it to your advantage, and don’t let this experience define you.

The Lord wants you free from rejection and disappointment! He wants you to live fully alive, full of hope and free to be all He made you to be.

We are going to cover this in more detail, then spend some time in prayer over this very topic in my upcoming live workshop (see below).​​

What do you do to overcome rejection? Write back and let me know your thoughts...