Released 31st August 2022

A few nights ago I had an internal vision of Australia with a blanket over it. The Lord said to me, “This blanket represents the sound of worship Australia was known for in the past. But things are about to change”.

I then saw the Lord reach down and remove the blanket. Then I saw him touch certain parts of Australia. As His finger would touch the ground, a spotfire would begin to burn. All these spotfires began to burn all over Australia, there was not one place that was left untouched by the fiery, finger of God.

I then heard the Lord say: "I am doing something unique in Australia. For it has been known for a sound in the past AS A WHOLE but I'm doing a new thing- I AM ABOUT TO RELEASE SPOTFIRE SOUNDS that are unique to the region they spring from!”

Then I saw another picture of people going to certain events and conferences and looking at the worship on the platform. It was very powerful and these people felt intimidated. They were saying to themselves – “This is a sound of revival but I don’t think I could replicate this back home. We want a revival sound too, but our sound doesn’t sound like this”. They dismissed their worship because it didn’t sound the same.

And then I heard the Lord say, “There is no longer one sound for this nation – these spotfires represent a tribal, deep from the heart sound coming forth from different churches, denominations and people groups.

And I hear the Lord say, “You can’t find this sound looking outwards, for I have planted it deep within you like a seed. For you to find it you need to go deep within yourself, with me! And as you do this - a new season of worship is going to erupt like springs from ground. It will be worship that is marked by fire and holiness!”

Then I saw the vision of the spotfires again. Each spotfire was burning bright. Eventually, there were so many that they began to catch on fire with each other until the whole nation was ablaze!

There is a new commissioning of worshippers right now that the Lord is wanting to release. Firstly, if that’s you, if you have been intimidated by other different expressions of worship, repent before the Lord and appreciate the huge value of the fire you carry. You need to ask God to show you what it can look like in your own communities. Then with all that is within you, go deep. Stop looking outward. Cultivate your personal walk with the Lord. This is a new sound marked by a holy people who are more at home in the secret place than anywhere on this earth.

Then ask him to release his tribal, unique sound to you and your community. Then sing it out with all that is within you! “For surely this is a sound that is not just for Australia but will be a template for the nations " says the Lord. For Australia you have always been my catalyst nation, your pioneering spirit catapults others into their own destiny. I am about to do this again both in your people and in your worship, as a sign that I am alive and at work amongst those who are crying out for my touch.”

Roma WatermanComment