Last night I had a dream that I was driving on a road in a car. I was driving slowly looking at all the signs, to make sure I was going in the right direction. It was slow going as I made sure I didn’t miss a turn. Then I heard the Lord’s voice say “Don’t be so consumed with looking for the signs that you miss the joy of the open road”.

I was taken aback by this dream. I thought I was showing due diligence by looking for the right directions. But then I realized doing it all the time was slowing me down.

How often are we looking for signs as in signs and wonders so much so that we miss the joy and landscape of the open road? Don’t get me wrong, signs and wonders are great, and necessary, and evidence of the Lord moving, but so is the open road, where it’s beautiful and free, and there is no concern of taking a wrong turn.

And how often are we consumed with ‘ticking all the boxes’ by making sure we are following the directions in our lives to the letter? Of course, we want to make sure we are going the right way and doing exactly what the Lord wants us to do , but following Gods road map for our lives is also meant to be enjoyable.

A personal relationship with God means living in daily rest. Knowing Him personally and deeply is the greatest compass for our lives. Keep looking, keep asking, but also Dont forget to roll the windows down, feel the sun on your face, take a deep breath, and enjoy the open road of grace that He has set before you!

Roma Waterman